If it comes to productivity and getting things done, regardless of the concrete goal, if your mind isn’t in the right space, you are wasting your time. Don’t try to brute force the objective. Instead, take time out to work on your mindset. You can do this by either exercising your mind directly or by doing physical exercise.
There are several quick fixes that can help you regain your energy and increase your productivity and also general satisfaction with your current situation.
- Reading a book (e.g. Fitness For The World)
- Meditation
- Going for a walk or run
- Taking a shower (preferably a cold one)
Those are easy things everyone can do to immediately change the level of energy available.
But it makes sense to think about it a little more to build routines.
Keeping a high energy level at all times is the best way to tackle productivity issues and lethargic moods.
So, what do we mean by energy?
The bottom line is simple: More energy equals higher productivity. Energy is necessary for achieving extraordinary results and functioning on your highest level.
“The World Belongs to the Energetic” Ralph Waldo Emerson
So, let us have a look at what energy is and how we can increase our energy levels.
Low Energy
This statement by Burchard perfectly capture the essence of being in a low state of energy:
“So low energy not only hurts your ability to reach high performance overall, it pervades all aspects of your life. You feel less happy. You don’t take on the big challenges. You feel as if everyone is passing you by. Your confidence tanks. You eat worse. You get fatter. You struggle to get people to believe in you, buy from you, follow you, support you.” Brandon Burchard
Obviously, not a good spot to be in. So, in case you suffer from low energy. The best first step is to figure out how to stop this vicious cycle of low productivity and get back on track. The techniques in this article will help you to break this useless state of mind towards a more positive and energetic mindset.
High Energy
High energy levels instead create a positive drive that lets you vibrate at a higher mental, physical, and emotional frequency.
Working on a proactive mindset and high energy levels do not only eliminate the negative feelings above, it actively helps you to push forward. There are several positive side effects of higher energy levels and vibrating on a higher frequency in general. Higher energy does not only mean a stronger physical presence. It also increases mental alertness, which prevents your mind from being slow and foggy.
You will be way more likely to
- pursue higher levels of education,
- state your own opinion, and
- take actions towards your dreams.
This higher action orientation is the most important factor because it tends to carry over to a lot of other things. Taking action is the only way things get done. No matter how good your planning and thinking is, taking action is the ultimate tool for progress.
Well-Being – Not Taking Care of Ourselves
Our energy level is often closely related to our current state of well-being. The better our relationships, the more goals we are working on that we have actively chosen to be important to us, the healthier our lifestyle with regard to diet and fitness, the better our well-being.
Unfortunately, we often suck at taking care of our health and well-being.
It is often not even our own fault. It is just that life demands (whatever they may be) take their toll and our time. Stress is the worst enemy of our general well-being, but cannot be always avoided.
Increasing your general well-being will lift your energy levels, which in turn will increase your passion, stamina, and motivation.
Let’s dive into the strategies that will help you to maximize your energy levels and hence your drive and satisfaction.
Strategies for Increasing Your Energy
Our mind and body are one entity, so it is necessary to take care of both of them.
Taking care of our mental activities by actively creating positive emotions, mastering transitions, and avoiding thinking patterns based on the future or the past is perfect to maintain a solid mental focus and satisfaction.
In addition, creating healthy habits and fitness goals will supercharge your brain with the release of hormones which naturally create an elevated mood and more energy. You will be able to feel more alive, focused, and confident after physical activity. And this is all down to a higher energy level.
So, how can you increase your energy level and make sure it stays elevated during the day?
The following points will answer this question.
Tip #1: Choose Your Environment Wisely
This is immensely helpful to increase your overall performance level. And in case you do not really enjoy your life or if you are in an environment with negative people. You need to change that. Fighting against a negative environment is impossible. It will drain all your energy, focus and concentration away. Including your drive to follow your dreams. The only person responsible for feeling joyful and happy is you. You are in charge of how you feel. And if you realized that it is difficult to produce positive emotions in a certain environment. You need to change it. Make sure to choose your environment wisely. It can literary make or break you.
Tip #2: Be Present in the Moment
Living in the moment by taking action towards your goals on a consistent basis is almost a cure for everything. Occupying your brain with a single purpose at a given moment will make it forget anything else. Especially our minds favorite activity to worry about the future and regret the past. Both thinking patterns are not helpful but can be shut down by focusing on what is relevant at the moment. Make sure to remember the following two citations.
“Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.” How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.” The Power of Now
The secret to achieving extraordinary results is often not a matter of a high IQ, but simply the realization of those two statements. Read them again.
Tip #3: Take Charge of Your Emotions
No worries. Nobody is always happy and awesome. This is not possible. But understanding that your current emotional state, anxiety, and worry is just temporary and maybe even completely irrational is the first step towards navigating yourself out of that unhelpful state of mind.
Emotions are not a permanent state. Our mind and mood are changing throughout the day. But this also means that you do not have to wait for positive emotions to come around.
If you actively realized that your emotions are not helpful and only an illusion, you can take active steps towards happiness and consciously direct your thoughts and behaviors to trigger positive emotions in your life.
You can actively engage in activities that will drive positive emotions and bring you energy.
- Try to choose people in your life that are happy and bring out positive emotions.
- Create alone time if it is necessary to recharge from a stressful day.
- Do some physical activity, which is always helpful to increase energy levels.
- Think actively about what you can be grateful for in your life.
This is also relevant if we think about the all-important word “motivation”.
Tip #4: Be Grateful Or Take Action
Think actively what you can be grateful about. What can you be excited about today? If there is nothing: Think actively what you could be doing or planning, so you can feel the joy of anticipations for something you like. Looking forward to a joyful event releases dopamine and triggers as many positive emotions as actually experiencing it. Also, think about any events that might provoke negative emotions and how to either avoid them or prepare for them to happen.
Tip #5: Take Care of Your Body – Health and Fitness
There are several celebrities and well-known high achievers who attribute their success to staying healthy and fit at all times. Often, the older you get the more you will realize that doing regular exercise is the easiest mood booster available and works basically every time.
“I find exercise the most natural and effective mood booster there is. You only have one body and one shot to look after it – and the older I get the more important I realize my health is.” Richard Branson – Link
Implementing a fitness routine into your life can be a powerful change agent for the better. There are so many famous and successful entrepreneurs out there that all agree and actively promote a fitness lifestyle. Among them Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Gary V, Grant Cardone, Dwayne Johnson, and many more.
Check out this FREE eBook of mine: “Why I Train and You Should Too: 10 Benefits of Strength Training”. If I cannot convince you to start your fitness journey with the words in this little eBook. I absolutely do not know what will. I also encourage you to visit FitnessForTheWorld.com and start your fitness journey. Set yourself the goal to get in the best shape of your life within the next year. If this is the only thing you do after reading this article – I am more than satisfied.
Understanding that there is nothing more important than the health and general well-being is a good place to start. Well-being and happiness increase energy, which again increases mental alertness, focus, and ultimately productivity. An energized and focused mind can get done so much more like a foggy and tired mind.
So, make sure you take the time to actively think about the tips above. Let me repeat what I have already said in the introduction. If it comes to productivity and getting things done, regardless of the concrete goal, if your mind isn’t in the right space, you are wasting your time. Don’t try to brute force the objective. Instead, take time out to work on your mindset.
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